draw with auto cad with started dimension group 7 RADIUS A RADIUS B C D S

timer Asked: Jul 30th, 2020

Question Description


7 1.190 2.090 0.340 0.320 0.572

group 7 assigniment page 107 under number

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ASSIGNMENT 2 3.750 3.370 1.750 0.420 472 TYP #16 177 DRILL 8 4.200 Y 90* CSK 3/16 REAMER THROUGH 7 PLACES RB o .01D 0.800 2 540 - 2.000 - + ! 1,748 R499 3.350 RA ch 14-1 3,670 R9,000 if CHAMFER CX 45 Q.800+ info 1.200 3 420 3.560 $7.201 TAP DRILL 7 DEEP 0.28 y 90' CSK 1/4 - 20 TAP .375 DEEP 6 HOLES EQUALLY SPACED ON A -2.25 BCD PROFILE DEPTH .375 SLOT DEPTH 120 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES ARE: DECIMAL .X + .020 FRACTIONAL + 1/64 ANGULAR $ 30' 125 .XXX 1.005 SURFACE FINISH V .XXXX 1.003 OR BETTER 030, : *א. MATERIAL 4 1/8 X 4 X 1 (X Y Z) 6061 ALUMINUM -106-
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