What would say & do if you was a social worker and you found out that your client was part of the KKK?
Question Description
Think about a future client whose beliefs are very different from your own. What if your 19 year old client with three children under five, all with different fathers walks in to apply for food stamps. Or, maybe you think abortion is wrong and your client is considering getting an abortion. Maybe you think undocumented immigrants should be deported and your client is an undocumented immigrant. It may be that you think homosexuality is immoral and your client is homosexual. Maybe you believed that all people should be treated with respect and dignity, then, you find out that your new client is a member of Ku Klux Klan. Are you able to keep your "personal thoughts" out of your "professional setting"? What are your ideas on what you will need to do to establish an acceptable working relationship with your client?
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