The History of Social work: Attiudes and Values of Helping

timer Asked: Jan 31st, 2015

Question Description


    Students will be able to explain effective helper practices including suspending judgment, supporting choice, using respectful language and being honest, genuine, and trustworthy.
      Students will be able to reflect upon the early history and evolution of social work and the human services profession.

      Read: Textbook Chapter 2, pages 10-26

       The Social Work History StationURL


       THINK ABOUT IT 10Assignment

       THINK ABOUT IT 11Assignment


      Web Exercise: Go the site listed in Web Materials, read" The History of Social Work"

      Submit a one-page response answering the following question that refers to the history of social work:
      In your own words, how did the creation of public relief programs of the 1930’s, such as the Social Security system, have a positive and/or negative effect on the social work profession? This paper must be at least 1 page, double spaced, 12 font and 1 inch margins. It is worth 25 points.

       Topic 2 Assessment SubmissionAssignment

       Topic 2 Quiz

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