Need help with these assignments

timer Asked: Feb 8th, 2015

Question Description

Take a look at the assignments that are attached....  They look pretty simple.  Only a few reports and a few spreadsheets.  Just really busy right now. I need help completing them.


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Products Event Price for hamburgers has risen; demand for hot dogs is rising. Market for: Hot Dog Buns The President of the United States has released a Popular Vacation statement that unemployment is falling, there is a rise in Spots output in the Country, and manufacturing activity is rising. The Chinese government has decided to subsidize its domestic automobile industry with stimulus money. Automobiles in China Manufacturers who use petroleum as an input see prices of crude rising. Manufactured goods that use plastic as an input Using the table, for each line item, write a paragraph describing how the market for each specific product will be affected by the associated event. Describe which curve will shift (demand or supply or both), what effect it will have on price (rise or fall in price), and what will happen to quantity (rise or fall in quantity). Each line item requires a paragraph. Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 40 Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts 20 Clearly presents well­reasoned ideas and concepts 30 Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling 10 Total 100
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