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Running head: ASSIGNMENT-I
Digitization and Information
In the contemporary world, tremendous quantities of information are published in various
formats through the internet, TV programs, CDs, radio, and many more. Without the help of
digitization, it would be hard or impossible to publish such as the flood of data in various
formats. With the discovery of robotics and other aspects such as data intelligence, the scope of
information and digitization continues to grow. From a commercial standpoint, the longevity of
information in the overall decision-making process is yet to be explored. Without a doubt,
digitization and information are some of the modern areas that most fascinate organizations and
individuals today. As documented by Brandimarte and Loewenstein (2015), information and
digitization have become a natural part of everyday life. Everyone today has consequential use of
binaries in films, images, and other physical presentations. Digitization is accompanied by
exceptionally high speeds using computers that offer a wide range of possibilities that would
others remain unimaginable. Information and digitization are thus applied in much complex
analysis, processes, simulations, controls, and many more. This introductory paper will focus on
three research questions based on the objectives of the research; the first research question will
explore the concept of the digitization of the individual. The second is to explore the influence of
the impact of digitization and information on business model innovation. The last is to
investigate the sustainability challenges and problems associated with this age of digitization.
Research question 1: exploring the concept of digitization of the individual
The core of information systems (IS) is formed by the use of technologies and computers.
The components have been strategically designed to create value and to take the best interest at
an expense of an individual and an organization. The use of digitization and information has
expanded beyond organizational borders to play an extensive role at individual levels. Today,
according to Hess (2014), people accords the world have accepted the proliferation impact of
digital technologies in creating new opportunities and new challenges. The reflection of this
trend is to extend across different applications and markets. For instance, in 2018, business wire
recorded the growth of wearable technologies at about 20% and expected to grow tremendously
by 2023. Digital devices have also been on the growth of individual lives to affect lifestyles. On
a broader scope, the process influences decision making-by-making processes less stringent and
more efficient. Some of the products include smart cars, super PCs and mobile devices, smart
homes, drones, home trackers, and many more. Regardless of the exacerbated risks of
information and digitization, the era plays a great role in establishing a connection channel to
individuals. Digitization of the individual deals with the influence of behaviors through the
constant flow of information in this era of digitization (Deloitte. 2017). First is the increase of
fresh domain applications that bring expertise and experience in close links. The second is to
merge individual bodies over distances using IT. Again, digitization and information have
created a landscape for individuals to create their own arena of IT by creating an arsenal of IT,
compatible processes, and structured environment aligned to individual needs and objectives.
Lastly, users can evaluate the positive and negative impacts while predominating digital
immigration (Matt, Trenz, Cheung & Turel, 2019). Acceptance and uses information in this era
of digital transformation have become dependent on fused concepts that have led to impacts on
users and connection to suppliers and business contacts. One of those applications is the
connection of digital immigration. However, this trend is also linked with negative aspects such
as a sense of safety and manifestation beyond IT times.
Research question 2: exploring the impact on business model (BM) innovation
Digitization and information have influenced the operation of innovative business models
by impacts on the relationships between the business and the customers, introducing new forms
of product innovation and cooperation between business partners. Moreover, it creates a platform
for companies to reflect and work on the strategies. Over the past few decades, digitization and
information have made a major impact on organizational flexibility, legal requirements, and
adherence to consumer preferences, flexibility to changes, and high complexity to manifold
changes of the environment including economic, social, and technical changes. Businesses can
structure economies into system level of the society. This is according to Matzler et al., (2016).
The resultant effect is increasing resource utilization and embedded experience in reducing costs,
increasing efficiency, increasing customer loyalty, employee, and work efficiency. The number
of opportunities motivated by information and digitization has enabled companies to overcome
pressures of competition (Wirtz, 2010). Managers can significantly adapt to the challenges
posed by environmental issues while sticking to their strategies. Therefore, this research question
deals with how digitization and information influences a firm’s Business Model (BM) and how
the firm can cope and adapt to the impact.
Research question 3: sustainability and challenges associated with digitization and
Intense risks and sustainability accompany this era of digitization and information.
Developers wish there was a way to exacerbate risks such that decisions do not have negative
consequences on the current and future generations. The scope also entails a commitment to
conserve the environment and a wide range of ecological and human effects. Hughes Iorna
(2004) collects many challenges of digitization from a strategic and technical perspective. These
concepts require well-trained staff and intensive resources that are expensive to acquire. Most
importantly, huge funds must be allocated to conduct research, training, methodological
prioritization, and feasibility assessments. Concisely, these challenges can be classified into
problems of information retrieval, content delivery, and storage, the expectation of end-users,
compression to save storage, claudication and indexing, presentation, and ease of digital
collection. Nevertheless, the biggest and most scaring issue in this era is related to concern and
risks of security and security. Every day, invasion of individual privacy becomes a risk although
there are options and programs created to protect users from exploitation. However, the
expansion of digitization and access to information has created a space where people can share
information leaving users exposed to numerous threats. As a result, catastrophes such as Yahoo
data breaches, the University of California hacking, and many more have left unforgettable
damage of reputation, emotional distress, and damage of reputation (Hagen & Lysne, 2016). The
vulnerabilities in the digital space are endless. They are unlimited to the theft of credit cards,
misuse of passports, breach of passwords, impersonation, social media profiles among others.
The biggest problem to avoid such occurrences from happening. However, education and
awareness when sharing information are over networks is the only desirable attention given by
experts to control security and privacy issues.
Hess, T., Legner, C., Esswein, W., Maaß, W., Matt, C., Österle, H., & Zarnekow, R. (2014).
Digital life as a topic of business and information systems engineering? Business &
Information Systems Engineering, 6(4), 247–253. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12599-0140332-6.
Garba, A. B., Armarego, J., Murray, D., & Kenworthy, W. (2015). Review of the information
security and privacy challenges in bring your own device (byod) environments. Journal
of Information Privacy Security, 11(1), 38–54.
Deloitte. (2017). The deloitte consumer review - digital predictions 2017.
Business Wire. (2018). Global fitness trackers market analysis & industry forecast 2017–2023.
Acquisti, A., Brandimarte, L., & Loewenstein, G. (2015). Privacy and human behavior in the age
of information. Science, 347(6221), 509–514. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aaa1465.
Rachinger, M., Rauter, R., Müller, C., Vorraber, W., & Schirgi, E. (2019). Digitalization and its
influence on business model innovation. Journal of Manufacturing Technology
Management. Retrieved from
Matzler, K., Bailom, F., von den Eichen, S.F. and Anschober, M. (2016), Digital Disruption. Wie
Sie Ihr Unternehmen auf das digitale Zeitalter vorbereiten, Vahlen, München.
Wirtz, B.W. (2011), Business Model Management. Design –Instruments –Success Factors,
GablerVerlag, Wiesbaden.
Hughes Iorna M. (2004) .Digitizing Collections Strategic issues for the Information Manager,
The chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals.
Hagen, J., & Lysne, O. (2016). Protecting the digitized society—the challenge of balancing
surveillance and privacy. The Cyber Defense Review, 1(1), 75-90.
Matt, C., Trenz, M., Cheung, C. M., & Turel, O. (2019). The digitization of the individual:
conceptual foundations and opportunities for research. Electronic markets, 29(3), 315322. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12525-019-00348-9
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Critical Thinking Assignment 2: Module-3 & 4
Deadline: End of Week 4
Course Name: Academic Writing and
Research Skills
Student’s Name:
Course Code: RES500
Student’s ID Number:
Academic Year:
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name:
Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained/Out
of 60 marks
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
✓ This assignment is an individual assignment.
✓ Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the
textbook along with few scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
✓ Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style
guidelines, citing references as appropriate.
✓ Submit your findings in a 3-4 page document, excluding the title page, abstract and
required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content
requirements, in the Assignment Dropbox.
✓ It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality
Check (available under Information folder on your Blackboard) prior to submitting them
to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the
Originality Check tool, review the TurnItIn Originality Check – Student Guide for stepby-step instructions.
An Overview about Assignment submission Time & grades:
Type of Assignment
Posting date
Due date
Critical thinking
Week 3
End of Week 4
Grace period*
* Grace Period: with accepted excuse (accepted by instructor) with deduction of 10% for late submission
Module 3 & 4
Assignment-II: Literature Review (60 points)
Once the topic and the draft questions are finalized, various aspects related to
the topic should be explored. For this purpose, visit Saudi Digital Library website
and download at least 20 research articles (at least 10 articles must be published
in last 5 years) related to the topic and draft research questions. Prepare the
Literature review as per the sample format provided in the blackboard (available
in Week 3 course materials). The topic must be supported by quality literature.
Similarly, the individual questions (objectives), which will be converted to
hypotheses, must derive support from latest and relevant literature.
Critical Thinking 2 Rubric
60 points
Rubric Detail
Levels of Achievement
Exceeds Expectation
Meets Expectation
Below Expectation
Limited Evidence
13 to 15 points
9 to 12 points
5 to 8 points
0 to 4 points
Exceeds Expectation Includes all of the required
components, as specified
in the assignment.
Meets Expectation - Includes
most of the required
components, as specified in
the assignment.
Below Expectation - Demonstrates
significantly flawed knowledge of
concepts, skills, and theories.
Limited Evidence Includes few of the
required components, as
specified in the
13 to 15 points
9 to 12 points
5 to 8 points
0 to 4 points
Exceeds Expectation Demonstrates substantial
and extensive knowledge
of the materials, with no
errors or major omissions.
Meets Expectation Demonstrates adequate
knowledge of the materials;
may include some minor
errors or omissions.
Below Expectation - Demonstrates
fair knowledge of the materials
and/or includes some major errors
or omissions.
Limited Evidence - Fails
to demonstrate
knowledge of the
materials and/or includes
many major errors or
13 to 15 points
9 to 12 points
5 to 8 points
0 to 4 points
Exceeds Expectation Sources go above and
beyond required criteria,
and are well chosen to
provide effective substance
and perspectives on the
issue under examination.
Meets Expectation - Sources
meet required criteria and are
adequately chosen to provide
substance and perspectives
on the issue under
Below Expectation - Sources meet
required criteria, but are poorly
chosen to provide substance and
perspectives on the issue under
Limited Evidence Source selection and
integration of knowledge
from the course is clearly
Levels of Achievement
Exceeds Expectation
Meets Expectation
Below Expectation
Limited Evidence
grammar, and
13 to 15 points
9 to 12 points
5 to 8 points
0 to 4 points
Exceeds Expectation Project is clearly
organized, well written,
and in proper format as
outlined in the assignment.
Strong sentence and
paragraph structure;
contains no errors in
grammar, spelling, APA
style, or APA citations and
Meets Expectation - Project is
fairly well organized and
written, and is in proper format
as outlined in the assignment.
Reasonably good sentence
and paragraph structure; may
include a few minor errors in
grammar, spelling, APA style,
or APA citations and
Below Expectation - Project is
poorly organized and written, and
may not follow proper format as
outlined in the assignment.
Inconsistent to inadequate
sentence and paragraph
development, and/or includes
numerous or major errors in
grammar, spelling, APA style, or
APA citations and references.
Limited Evidence Project is not organized
or well written, and is not
in proper format as
outlined in the
assignment. Poor quality
work; unacceptable in
terms of grammar,
spelling, APA style, and
APA citations and
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In this assignment, all the literature available on the different approaches to the concept of your
research is explicitly reviewed. Here you can write the outline or plan of your review like in how
many sections and what you are discussing in each section.
Sample Main Heading 1 (as per your topic)
This is a sample. Replace with your own.
Social entrepreneurship in common parlance refers to entrepreneurial activity with an embedded
social purpose. Although, entrepreneurial activities with a social concern can be traced back in the
history but the social entrepreneurship as an innovative model for social problem solving has
recently emerged (Robinson et al., 2009; Mair & Marti, 2006; Peredo & McLean, 2006; Dees et
al., 2002; Chell, 2007). Thus, social entrepreneurship mainly stands for endeavors which primarily
focus over social value creation and thus social mission remains central to every social
entrepreneurship activity.
The social entrepreneurship has become a global phenomenon, impacting societies by catalyzing
social transformations for societal wellbeing. The phenomenon mainly addresses the basic needs
of human society which were neglected in the race for mainstream development. As such, the
phenomenon can occur in any society and often such local social entrepreneurship initiatives have
the potential for scale up and replication at the global level. E-g: Microfinance of Bangladesh.
Sample Main Heading 2(as per your topic)
This is a sample. Replace with your own.
As described above, the idea of social enterprise is certainly not new as businesses with social
missions can be traced back in the nineteenth century. Thus, the practice of social enterprise may
well be ahead of the theory as in other areas of social action (Sarah et al., 2002).
Sample Main Heading 3(as per your topic)
This is a sample. Replace with your own.
As described above, the idea of social enterprise is certainly not new as businesses with social
missions can be traced back in the nineteenth century. Thus, the practice of social enterprise may
well be ahead of the theory as in other areas of social action (Sarah et al., 2002).
References (in APA format)