3-5 pages of the best ways to motivate high schools students -write own experi..

timer Asked: Feb 13th, 2015

Question Description

  • Reflect on your own high school experiences. What motivated you to succeed? What de-motivating factors did you face?
  • Consider the factors that may influence high school students in today's world to be successful or unsuccessful. What factors influence their motivation?
  • Research and review outside materials and sources for ways to motivate high school students to be successful.
  • Review the reading assignments from previous weeks’ Learning Resources. Focus on developing a strong thesis statement, supporting your argument with evidence, and incorporating feedback.
  • Reflect on the peer and Instructor feedback that you have received so far in the course. How will you use it to improve your writing and strengthen your argument?

The Final Project:

  • Draft a 3- to 5-page final persuasive essay, using the elements of writing and supportive evidence, about the best way(s) to motivate high school students to complete their classes successfully, with a sense of accomplishment and pride.
  • In addition:
    • Cite at least four examples from your reading (The Longman Writer and/or They Say/I Say).
    • Cite at least three examples from three different outside sources (e.g., books, journal articles, web articles). Note: Wikipedia will not be accepted as an outside resource.
    • Review your essay carefully for any errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. Do not simply rely on spell check to catch all mistakes.
    • Create a reference list of all sources in APA format (minimum of five sources).

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