tax accounting 208. basic , tax return

timer Asked: Feb 14th, 2015

Question Description

In June 2014 Phillip and Barbara Jones and their two dependent children, who are both over 17, moved from Chicago to Albuquerque, New Mexico, a distance of 1,327 miles, which they drove in their own car. The children's names are Roger and Gwen and both will be attending the University of New Mexico in the fall, Roger as a freshman and Gwen as a junior. The move was a result of a job transfer for Phillip. The distance from their old home to Phillip's old office was 30 miles. Barbara quit her job in Chicago and decided to perform volunteer work for a year before seeking further employment. Phillip and Barbara incurred expenses of $4,550 to the moving company (which included $320 for temporary furniture storage), hotel charges of $550, and meals of $712 en route from Chicago to Albuquerque.

calculate moving expensive

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