Short Writing Assignment # 2 You will write two paragraphs on one of the two questions be

timer Asked: Feb 24th, 2015

Question Description

Short Writing Assignment # 2

You will write two paragraphs on one of the two questions below. Each paragraph should focus on a different aspect of your main topic and should use sequencing and transition techniques to develop a coherent flow of ideas.

Be sure to link the second paragraph to the first by using some form of transition.

Of all the developed nations, native-born English-speaking Americans are least likely to learn a second language. Why do you think this is so? What is your reaction to this fact?

Which do you think is more important: to have roots in a community and/or a geographical location, or to be free to pick up and move anywhere, at any time?

Process Steps

Spend at least ½ hour brainstorming ideas and points about the topic.

Use this list to choose focus points for each paragraph.

Rough out the contents of the two paragraphs. Set aside for a day or so.

Review the sequence of ideas in each paragraph and rearrange them if needed. Look for ways to connect one thought to the previous one.

Write the revised draft, save, and bring a hard copy to the workshop.

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