Questions about Biology - Populations

timer Asked: Feb 26th, 2015

Question Description


Question 1

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10 points

Montana Vital Statistics 2010 Report
Source: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Vital Statistics 2010 Report and US Census Bureau Montana QuickFacts.
VariableValue in 2010
N (human population size)989,415
Annual number of births12,058
Annual number of deaths8,803
Total land area376,962 km 2

What was the per capita rate of change in Montana’s population in 2010?

Question 2

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10 points

Aphids are tiny plant-sucking insects that complete a life cycle in a few weeks. A population of aphids is likely to be...

Question 3

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10 points

A population is

Question 4

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10 points

When does a self-limiting population such as a population of large fish or mammals grow the fastest?

Question 5

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10 points

Which graph below depicts an exponential growth pattern?

Question 6

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10 points

Montana Vital Statistics 2010 Report
Source: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Vital Statistics 2010 Report and US Census Bureau Montana QuickFacts.
VariableValue in 2010
N (human population size)989,415
Annual number of births12,058
Annual number of deaths8,803
Total land area376,962 km 2

Given the data above, what is the population density?

Question 7

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10 points

Most pest populations can be easily and effectively managed by occasionally killing most of the individuals, for example by using a chemical weed or insect killer.

Question 8

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10 points

At a certain population size called the _______________, a self-limiting population will tend to stay at the same size because the birth rate is equal to the death rate.

Question 9

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10 points

Montana Vital Statistics 2010 Report
Source: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Vital Statistics 2010 Report and US Census Bureau Montana QuickFacts.
VariableValue in 2010
N (human population size)989,415
Annual number of births12,058
Annual number of deaths8,803
Total land area376,962 km 2

What was Montana’s per capita death rate for 2010?

Question 10

Select one answer.

10 points

Montana Vital Statistics 2010 Report
Source: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Vital Statistics 2010 Report and US Census Bureau Montana QuickFacts.
VariableValue in 2010
N (human population size)989,415
Annual number of births12,058
Annual number of deaths8,803
Total land area376,962 km 2

The above data are for Montana. Wyoming has 563,626 people in 251,469 km2. Which state has a greater population density?

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