Business and Finance - PowerPoint presentation

timer Asked: Jan 19th, 2014

Question Description

Format a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation using information from the Needs Analysis.

You will recommend a delivery methodology for the final project. Your presentation must include the following.  Use Headings:

·  A definition of a Delivery Method and how it would be applied for the project

·  Pros and cons of a Different delivery method

·  A recommendation of the delivery method you chose

Coordinate with Team Members prior to working individually, so different delivery methods are discussed.

One team member, for example, might present a classroom delivery method, whereas another team member may present a Webinar, and a third member may present a Podcast.

 After the due date for the individual assignment passes, share your presentation with your Learning Team, so the team may hear your pitch or reasons why not to use a particular delivery method.

 If this is an online class, the presentation must include Speaker’s Notes for Each Slide, showing what you would say if you were delivering a 10-minute presentation

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