timer Asked: Mar 1st, 2015

Question Description

Hi Farrukh,

Thanks for the first work done for me. Although it was given at last minutes to time, I still appreciate that you submitted. 

Would you be able to do another short work for me today? If yes, please find questions below:

Question: Continue developing deliverables using the scenario you chose in Part I. Each deliverable should take a minimum of one page. Include citations throughout, as necessary. Part III deliverables are as follows:

Note from me:  in previous assignment, I used the scenario of a set of project driven deliverables for a team that is charged with the responsibility of creating a website for a bank; which provides basic services for customers to manage their finances online using the website created.

  1. System Design
    Create a UML diagram that illustrates the major components of the system and how they relate to one another. (You can use PowerPoint, Visio, or an approved graphics program to create this). Notes: Graphic representation of what you state in the overview. At a minimum, use UML to display the major components of your system (software, hardware, users, etc…) and how it all interconnects. Consider expanding further to include a diagram of what information is collected from each module, or perhaps a state chart for the user as they access your system.

  2. Wireframe Prototype
    Create a visual wireframe prototype of what your software might look like. You can use PowerPoint, Visio, or any approved graphics program to create a wireframe. For more tools on wire-framing, check out

  3. Testing Plan
    Create a testing plan that highlights what elements will be tested and how they will be tested. Identify critical components that need the most focus. Include at least four use cases that illustrate steps taken to perform a basic test.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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