please be specific and no Plagiarism

Question Description
In an essay of at least 300 words, compare and contrast the hero from The Epic of Gilgamesh to one of the following epic heroes: Roland, Sunjata, or Dante. You should also discuss why you believe these similarities and/or differences exist. Before you begin writing, you may want to think about the following:
- What obstacles must they overcome?
- What are their motivations?
- Who supports them and why?
- What are their weaknesses and strengths?
- How do they interact with their families, their own people, and others?
- Are they rewarded for their actions? If so, with what?
- Where were the works composed or written? When? By whom? Why?
In your response, provide specific details from the textbook to strengthen your argument. The textbook is the only source allowed on the exam. You must use MLA Style in-text citations. For more information about MLA Style, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab here:

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