10 help me 6th grade work easy

Zvpunry Penjsbecq
timer Asked: Mar 5th, 2015

Question Description

  1.  used as a symbol for Mr. Craven's closed heart?

    The dark and frightening moors

    The roses that refuse to bloom

    The locked door to the secret garden

2 points  


  1. Read the passage:

    She had never seen a room at all like it, and thought it curious and gloomy. The walls were covered with tapestry with a forest scene embroidered on it. There were fantastically dressed people under the trees, and in the distance there was a glimpse of the turrets of a castle. There were hunters and horses and dogs and ladies. Mary felt as if she were in the forest with them.

    Which identifies the element of literature best represented by this detail?




2 points  


  1. Read the definition.

    The story is told by a narrator who is not involved as a character in the story and who has the ability to see all the characters' thoughts and actions.

    Which type of point of view is being described?


    third-person limited

    third-person omniscient

2 points  


  1. Read this passage from The Secret Garden carefully.

    Then Mary knew Dickon had meant the picture to be a message. He had meant that she might be sure he would keep her secret. Her garden was her nest and she was like a missel thrush. Oh, how she did like that queer, common boy!

    Which theme is best developed by this passage?

    The secret garden is a magical place.

    Happiness depends upon helping others.

    Secrets are dangerous.

2 points  


  1. How does the point of view help to develop the novel's theme?

    The reader has no idea who is telling the story, so there is no theme.

    The point of view does not have any relationship to theme.

    The point of view doesn’t affect the theme, because only Colin’s thoughts and actions develop theme.

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