Swift Programming

timer Asked: Nov 5th, 2020

Question Description

I need the whole project file and It should be done on swift language in MacBook.

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CSCI 457 Assignment 3 – Biography Viewer Choose one of your favorite games, and implement an app that shows the biography of each character of the game. Requirements: • Your app should show a list of characters in the main view using a table view. • A small icon and some brief information of each character should be displayed in the table view. • The user can scroll up and down to see the full list. • The user can swipe right to reveal two buttons to favorite a character or unfavorite a character. • A checkmark is displayed for each favorite character, and the checkmark is removed if the character is unfavored. • The user can touch a character to open a detail view to see the character’s large portrait and full biography. • Do not use parallel arrays. Use a class for the characters. The screenshots of a sample app are attached in the figures below. CSCI 457 Assignment 3 – Biography Viewer
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