Fine Arts Experts Please Help ME!!!!!!!

timer Asked: Mar 17th, 2015

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I will pay 30 at the most.

I need someone who doesn't plagiarize, does it within the time frame and follows exactly what the questions asks.

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26. Explain the relationship between the Baroque style and the Counter-Reformation. 27. Name the first established female artist and tell at what point she became recognized. 28. Describe some of the ways her talents were encouraged throughout her life. 29. Explain some reasons Leonardo da Vinci often claimed many of his projects were unfinished. Which of his projects became his most famous unfinished work? 30. There was a wide range of influences that affected the art of the emerging modern Europe. Explain how five of these influences had an impact on the art of the Italian Renaissance, and explain five influences that had an impact on art of the Rococo period. 31. Northern European artists throughout the fifteenth century used a great deal of symbolism in their work. Explain why symbolism was important to the artist and explain the representation of at least five commonly used symbolic objects. 32. Discuss the life and times of Leonardo da Vince. Include in your discussion three things that you learned about him as an artist that would have contributed to his ability to create such timeless masterpieces. 33. Explain the differences between Baroque and Italian Renaissance art. Talk about the qualities found in architecture of this time and how it related to the work of sculptures. 34. Analyze the terms of Romanticism and Realism and discuss your ideas of what is involved in the two movements. 35. Discuss how Cubism might be considered an intellectual approach to art and then discuss how it could be considered an emotional approach. 36. How did the development of academies in France and England change the way artists were taught from earlier academies and create a new style? What was this new style called? In the past, artists learned from masters in an apprentice/journeyman system. Once academies arrived on the scene, students were exposed to a wider variety of artists and styles. The students started changes things instead of relying on the masters to tell them what to do. (Think about it) 37. Describe features found in the early buildings of the International Style of architecture. Who was responsible for its start and what has it developed into? 38. Who designed the Vietname Veterans Memorial and how does the design represent the cost of the war? 39. Discuss the objectives and technique of the impressionist artists. Name three artists who are associated with the movement and a piece of their own art work. 40. Compare Kooning's "Woman VI" and Degas' "The Glass Of Absinthe" . Use the critique method to compare the styles of style matter. 41. Describe the method and style Henri Matisse is associated with. Name one of his works explaining why and who it is a success.
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