10 help me 6th grade work 6.05

ubhrf jbex
timer Asked: Mar 18th, 2015

Question Description

Discussion: How Does the Air Behave?

Many people in different occupations must rely on a knowledge of air circulation and Earth's rotation to be successful in their jobs. Among these are airplane pilots and ship captains.

  • Choose an occupation that requires an understanding of the effects of Earth’s rotation on air circulation. Identify the occupation and explain how this knowledge is used. Include any personal experience you may have had.
  • Respond to at least one of your classmate's posts.

Look at Karen's post:

I remember when we flew home from our vacation in Spain to the United States. The direction in which the plane took off was based on the direction of the prevailing wind. The direction of the wind also determined how long the flight would take.When a plane flies in the same direction as the prevailing wind, the trip takes less time. When a plane flies against the prevailing wind, the trip takes a bit longer

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