I need a good tutor for a written essay {SPORT}

timer Asked: Mar 18th, 2015

Question Description

you have to do M3, you have to write in 500 words, you can use internet for find the information but you have to put the resource. Not plagiarism cause i can see if the work is plagiarized or not through a programme. If the work will be plagiarized you will be reported by studypool. thanks


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Valley Park – Excellence in Vocational ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET 1. UNIT NUMBER & TITLE: Unit 3: Assessing Risk in Sport - VPFA ASSIGNMENT TITLE: 1. ASSIGNMENT: Legislation, legal factors and regulatory bodies 1 OF 4 2. GRADING CRITERIA COVERED: P1, P2, M1. 3. ISSUE DATE 4. DUE DATE: Unit: 3 –Assessing Risk in Sport Assignment Title: legislation, legal factors and regulatory bodies. Reference: Date Set: Date of Completion: Assignment: 1 of 4 Assignment Description: The assignment will provide learners with an in depth understanding of how legislation, legal factors and regulatory bodies affect health and safety in sport. Vocational Context: You are working for Kent County Council’s Football Development Programme and have been asked by your superior to conduct a study into legislation, legal factors and regulatory bodies that effect health and safety in sport. Key Skills: Independent learning Self Managers Time management Research skills Task List: 1 Produce a written report. Your report should include the following: • describe four legislative factors that influence health and safety in Football. (P1) • describe the legal factors and regulatory bodies that influence health and safety in Football. (P2) • compare and contrast the influences of legislation, legal factors and regulatory bodies on health and safety in Football. (M1) Assessment Evidence – You need to produce: 1. Written report Grading Criteria P1, P2, M1 Valley Park – Excellence in Vocational ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET 1. UNIT NUMBER & TITLE: Unit 3: Assessing Risk in Sport - VPFA 2. ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Risk assessments 3. ASSIGNMENT: 2 OF 4 4. GRADING CRITERIA COVERED: P3,M2, D1 5. ISSUE DATE 6. DUE DATE: Unit: 3 –Assessing Risk in Sport Assignment Title: Risk assessments Reference: Date Set: Date of Completion: Assignment: 2 of 4 Assignment Description: The aim of this assignment is to make the learner explicitly aware of the vital nature of risk assessment and its management within the sports industry Vocational Context: You are working for Kent County Council’s Sport Development Programme and have been asked by your superior to conduct a risk assessment of the programme ahead of its launch. Key Skills: Independent enquirers. Creative thinkers Team work Research Task List: Complete 2 separate risk assessment using format provided. Provide a written document to review the risk assessments. ✓ Carry out risk assessments for two Football activities with tutor support. (P3) ✓ Independently carry out risk assessments for two different Football activities. (M2) ✓ Review the risk assessment controls and evaluate their effectiveness. (D1) Assessment Evidence – You need to produce: Risk assessments and written document Grading Criteria P3,M2,D1 Valley Park – Excellence in Vocational ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET 1. UNIT NUMBER & TITLE: Unit 3: Assessing Risk in Sport - VPFA 2. ASSIGNMENT TITLE: A Healthy and Safe Sporting Environment 3. ASSIGNMENT: 3 OF 4 4. GRADING CRITERIA COVERED: P4, M3, D2 5. ISSUE DATE 6. DUE DATE: Unit: 3 –Assessing Risk in Sport Assignment Title: A Healthy and Safe Sporting Environment Reference: Date Set: Date of Completion: Assignment: 3 of 4 Assignment Description: The aim of this assignment is to raise the awareness of the importance of a healthy and safe sporting environment. Vocational Context: You are working for Kent County Council’s Sport Development Programme and have been asked by your superior to produce a report identifying procedures to ensure and maintain and healthy and safe sporting environment, throughout the sports development programme. Key Skills: Independent enquirers. Creative thinkers Research Task List: Complete a written report that includes: ✓ Describe three procedures used to promote and maintain a healthy and safe Football environment. (P4) ✓ Explain three procedures used to promote and maintain a healthy and safe Football environment. (M3) ✓ Analyse three procedures used to promote and maintain a healthy and safe Football environment. (D2) Assessment Evidence – You need to produce: Written document Grading Criteria P4,M3,D2 Valley Park – Excellence in Vocational ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET 7. UNIT NUMBER & TITLE: Unit 3: Assessing Risk in Sport - VPFA 8. ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Planning a safe sports activity 9. ASSIGNMENT: 4 OF 4 10.GRADING CRITERIA COVERED: P5,M4. 11.ISSUE DATE 12.DUE DATE: Unit: 3 –Assessing Risk in Sport Assignment Title: Planning a safe sports activity Reference: Date Set: Date of Completion: Assignment: 4 of 4 Assignment Description: The aim of this assignment is to plan and review a safe sports activity. Vocational Context: You are working for Kent County Council’s Sport Development Programme and have been asked by your superior to produce a plan of a safe sporting activity as a guideline to employees working for the sports development programme. You will also need to review the plan once completed. Key Skills: Independent enquirers. Creative thinkers Research Task List: Complete a written report that includes: ✓ Produce a plan for the safe delivery of a Football session and review the plan. (P5) ✓ Explain the plan for the safe delivery of a Football session and review the plan. (M4) Assessment Evidence – You need to produce: Written document Grading Criteria P5,M4 Assessment and gradingo achieve a pass grade the
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