Short Essay Midterm Needed

timer Asked: Mar 26th, 2015

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paper for number 3. body image

Spring+2015++WMST+handout+for+short+papers (2).docx 

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1 WMST 2000 Handout for Short Writing Assignments Directions for each topic: Students will write short reflective narratives to explore one of the issues listed below. In the narrative, students are to reflect on their life experiences, thoughts, and lives about the specific issues listed below. The reflection should be 2-3 typed and double spaced pages. The paper should be MLA formatted. The purpose of a reflection assignment is for you to engage with the topic on a personal level. It is for you to develop your thoughts/ideas about these issues and not rely on what others have said or say. While this type of essay is similar to a journal entry, it is more polished. I will expect college-level essays, which include proper grammar and mechanics. You are required to hand in a printed copy in class on the due date AND upload an electronic copy to the dropbox on eLearn on the due date. If you do not do both, you risk failing the assignment. Here is a general definition of what a reflective essay is: “A reflective essay is a form of writing that examines and observes the progress of the writer’s individual experience.” (source: TOPICS 1. Reproduction For this topic consider: Consider experiences and feelings regarding reproduction. What expectations about reproduction do you have? What are the expectations from family and friends about your reproduction? Have you actively made choices about controlling your own reproduction? If yes, discuss that experience. If no, why have you not taken steps to control your reproduction? Due date: Feb. 10, 2015 2. Sexuality For this topic consider: Are women in control of their sexuality? What social and cultural issues inform how women view and express their sexuality? How is women’s sexuality related to violence against women? Due date: Feb. 19, 2015 3. Body Image For this topic consider: How do I feel about myself? What kinds of relationships, experiences, and environments have informed how I see my body? What types of rituals or behaviors do I engage in to affirm my views of my body? Consider issues of weight, shape, color, culture, ethnicity, fashion trends, celebrity influence. Due date: March 12, 2015 2 4. Women and Athleticism For this topic consider: What are the advantages of participating in organized sports in school? Do women benefit in the same ways as men? What is it like being a woman athlete? In other words, how are women perceived? Due date: March 26, 2015
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