VLSI Final exam of 2 hours on 7 feb

timer Asked: Jan 15th, 2021

Question Description

The exam will be 2 hours duration and most probably 3 to 4 questions in it. Also sample final exam is attached to guage the type of questions that will be asked.

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İSTANBUL TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Assistant Prof. Tufan C. Karalar EHB413E Midterm Exam Name: ID Number: Q1: Q2: Q3: Q4: Total: Fall 2015 Question 1.(20 pts) For the amplifier stage given below, a) Calculate the output impedance b) Calculate the small signal transconductance GM. c) Calculate the small signal gain vout/vin. Using gm, ro, etc. VDD# RD# Vb# Vout# Vin# M1# Question 2 (30 pts) For the circuit given below, (W/L)1 = (W/L)2 and (W/L)3 = (W/L)4. a) What is IOUT in terms of IB and other device parameters b) What’s the minimum Vo voltage that will still keep M4 and M2 both in saturation? (In terms of gm, ro, IB Vdsat, Vth etc.) c) What is the RB resistor value to allow this minimum Vo value? IB# RB# VO# IOUT# M3# M4# M1# M2# Question 3 (20 pts) Please calculate the Av = Vout/(Vi+- Vi-)of this amplifier for the following cases.. a) R1 = ∞ b) R1 = 1/gm3 VDD# M3# M4# Vout# Vi+# M1# R1# M2# ISS# Vi)# Question 4 (30 pts) For the diff pair below differential gain is defined as follows Av = (Vo+ - Vo-) / (Vi+ - Vi-) a. For low frequency please calculate Av. b. For C1=C2 please calculate the Pole frequency associated with the output. c. Draw the bode plot of the differential gain. d. Fro C1
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