short question needing help

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Business Finance


Distinguish between a mechanistic and an organic structure.  When would you suggest that each be used?  Can they be used together in the same organization?  How might these prototypes be affected by non-structural means for integration?  Explain.

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Explanation & Answer

A mechanistic structure involves individual specialization. Workers specialize in a particular task and work separately. In organic structure, joint specialization is employed. Here, the employees work jointly. Mechanistic structure is suitable for an organization that requires centralization. The organization is a involves a network of positions. Organic structure is employed where decentralization is needed. It is not advisable to use the two structures at ago since they are totally different and they might crush at the end. Non-structural means of integration involve knowledge development, policies, awareness and even participatory mechanism. This can greatly reduce risks in an organization.

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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