How can these interventions be incorporated into ongoing activities and routines in the classroom with PBIS?

timer Asked: Jan 22nd, 2021

Question Description

Describe interventions to improve social skills. How can these interventions be incorporated into ongoing activities and routines in the classroom with PBIS? How can mastery be measured?

PBIS-Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports


The instructor will discuss with students the importance of social skills training for exceptional education students. Many students with disabilities are rejected by their peers because they lack the social skills needed to function in school and later in life. The instructor will discuss with students the social skills training techniques of modeling, shaping, and coaching. Some schools have implemented a peer buddy system to assist students with disabilities. The instructor will discuss with students the differences between peer assistance and peer tutoring. Information will be provided regarding the benefits of peer tutoring to the tutee and tutor.

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