Biography of the Prophet Isaiah of the Old Testament

timer Asked: Apr 6th, 2015

Question Description

Biography of the Prophet Isaiah of the Old Testament. Must be  6-8 pages of content double spaced in length. Font size not larger than 12, double spaced, title page 1 1/2" top, 1" margins and bottom, all other pages 1" all around. introductory paragraph should introduce the general idea and must include a thesis statement that gives an assertion that you will be demonstrating in the paper. The body of the paper will select points that prove the validity of your thesis. point- by -point manner and should make use of the biblical text and secondary sources that lend authority to your argument. Do not use a lot of quotation, and document according to the APA format and do not plagiarize. Paper should have a conclusion that restates the thesis with which the paper begin with.  Must include a reference page that follows APA format. use at least 3 scholar sources and 1 is the Bible. Be sure to use 1-inch margins and Times New Roman Font at 12pt.

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