communication speech

timer Asked: Jan 29th, 2021

Question Description

Once you have watched the Perception video in the Assignment Folder/Perception please answer the following questions and respond to 2 other Peer posts:

1. How often do you "Turn to Wonder" (Covey, 2016), to check your Perception of others in your friendship circles, workplace of home? The concept of "Turning to Wonder", has to do with trying to understand the "How, Why , When" did the other person arrive at their Perceptual Perspective.

2. Have you ever Blocked/Unfriended someone from Social Media simply because their Perception was different than yours?

3. What are healthy ways to "Cope/Deal/Benefit" with others who thinking differently or contradict your Perceptions?

4. What are your thoughts pertaining to the FedEx Logo?

Perception Video

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