can you please help me with my conics portfolio

timer Asked: Apr 13th, 2015

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7 Conic Sections Portfolio Malik’s family has decided to put in a new sprinkling system in their yard. Malik has volunteered to lay the system out. Sprinklers are available at the hardware store in the following sizes: Full circle, maximum 15’ radius Half circle, maximum 15 ’ radius Quarter circle, maximum 15’ radius All of the sprinklers can be adjusted so that they spray a smaller radius. Malik needs to be sure that the entire yard gets watered, which he knows will require that some of the circular water patterns will overlap. He gets out a piece of graph paper and begins with a scale diagram of the yard. In this diagram, the length of the side of each square represents 5 feet. lawn 1. As he begins to think about locating sprinklers on the lawn, his parents tell him to try to cover the whole lawn with the fewest number of sprinklers possible so that they can save some money. The equation of the first circle that Malik draws to represent the area watered by the sprinkler is: Draw this circle on the diagram. 2. Lay out a possible configuration for the sprinkling system that includes the first sprinkler pattern that you drew in #1. Remember that all parts of the lawn have to be watered and it’s okay if the circles overlap. 3. Find the equation of each of the full circles that you have drawn. 7 Conic Sections Portfolio Malik’s family has decided to put in a new sprinkling system in their yard. Malik has volunteered to lay the system out. Sprinklers are available at the hardware store in the following sizes: Full circle, maximum 15’ radius Half circle, maximum 15 ’ radius Quarter circle, maximum 15’ radius All of the sprinklers can be adjusted so that they spray a smaller radius. Malik needs to be sure that the entire yard gets watered, which he knows will require that some of the circular water patterns will overlap. He gets out a piece of graph paper and begins with a scale diagram of the yard. In this diagram, the length of the side of each square represents 5 feet. lawn 1. As he begins to think about locating sprinklers on the lawn, his parents tell him to try to cover the whole lawn with the fewest number of sprinklers possible so that they can save some money. The equation of the first circle that Malik draws to represent the area watered by the sprinkler is: Draw this circle on the diagram. 2. Lay out a possible configuration for the sprinkling system that includes the first sprinkler pattern that you drew in #1. Remember that all parts of the lawn have to be watered and it’s okay if the circles overlap. 3. Find the equation of each of the full circles that you have drawn.
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