i need help with the 4th one

timer Asked: Apr 13th, 2015

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Practice by Example Use the circle graph below for Exercises 1-4. Royston's Day Example 1 (page 388) 16.9% 29% 8.3% School Sleeping Homework Sports Other 12.5% 33.3% 1. What takes up the most time of Royston's day? 2. What percent of Royston's day is typically spent doing homework? 3. What percent of Royston's day is spent outside of school? 4. How much time does Royston spend sleeping? Example 2 (page 389) Find the measure of the central angle that you would draw to represent each percent in a circle graph. Round to the nearest degree. 5. 11% 6. 30% 7. 34% 8. 25% 9. 280/
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