next assignment due. written report

timer Asked: Apr 16th, 2015

Question Description

LP6.2 Assignment: Written Report Part II

Directions: In writing your draft, be sure to follow the outline for Part II in the Text of the Report section of the Project Instructions. Go to Course Information, click on Project Instructions, and SCROLL DOWN to "Text of the Report." Read this section again and refer to the outline for Part I immediately after it.



Comprehensive Analysis of Agency/Organization
1. Analysis of mission statement, goals, and/or objectives
2. Organizational structure (design)
3. Environments — macro-environment (including legal-political, sociocultural, economic, and technological factors, labor market, competitors, customers, and suppliers), healthcare and internal environment (including employees and corporate culture), and stakeholders
4. Management principles practiced (such as Theory X / Y, Total Quality Management, ethics and social responsibility, leadership styles, motivation theories or tools used, formal communication channels, and control systems)


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