Homework help (50 word reply to each student response)

timer Asked: Apr 16th, 2015

Question Description


From the development of not one, but many 24/7 basic cable news channels, to the phenomenal growth of politically charged internet websites, the development of today’s modern, mass media has profoundly affected American politics.

Using at least two specific examples, address the influence of America’s modern, mass media on campaigns and elections.

Does media influence help or hinder our representational, democratic government? Defend your answer.


Hello’ Prof and Classmates

Since media has been around they have loved to help and hinder candidates by building them up and watching them fall like with the Hillary Clinton email controversy the news networks waited for months to see if she was going to run for president and now that she has announced her candidacy all the major news networks even the ones that are supposed to back the Democrats love to seek controversy within their own party to make news by trying to discredit that candidate in the eyes of the America public. But some candidate do get lucky and have the support of the media like President Bill Clinton no matter how he ran his administration he always had the support of the media because they love politicians who are confident and stand strong for what they believe in and know how to handle the media to the point the candidate is letting the news networks know what they can and cannot run about their campaign.

Reference: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/unanswered-questioned-hillary-clinton-emails  


Hello everyone
 The media loves to make sure they get everyone’s business out there for the world to see and make sure they can make it look as horrible as possible or at very least blow it way out of proportion. It’s all about ratings for them not the person on the videos or in the photos. 

Look at Rob Ford Toronto Mayor they were all over his sloppy mess from his weight to his drug issues.


Bill Clinton is a good one to look at and say WTH even goes on up there? they made sure that was all over the news however it seems his mistress got the worst of it and his wife speaks of being so for woman's rights and so on and so forth yet she stayed with her husband after all of this in the news for so long ? This was just a mess this was very big in mass media for that generation to be seeing their president and the first lady plastered all over the news. 

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