Statistics question number 7

timer Asked: Apr 17th, 2015

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Academic Year 2014 2015 (1012) - Webtest EXAM 12. MATH 353 Tools Help Exit Completed Tests Keypad Tables ? Help GOLDIE MORRIS Question: 3 (10 points) Step: 7 of 8 DATA Consider the following table: lable Tests SS DF MS Test Statistic 3.41 4578.4 1144.6 Among Treatments Error Total Review 7939.1 14 Copy Data KEYPAD TIS ANOVA - ONE WAY BASIC What is the critical value at the 0.1 level? - + Results All XIX Answer: + VI 8 10 80 V018 AL O[{ ]] {} BACKSPACE CLEAR Submit Exit la 1b 10 Id le If 1h 15 days 1 hr 9 mins 2a 2b RG 2c 2d 2e 2f 2g 2h WEBTEST 3b 3e 3d 3e 3f 3g 3h Test Status
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