"Linking Motivation and Performance"

timer Asked: Apr 29th, 2013

Question Description

 Please respond to the following:

  • Describe an instance where you were involved in a situation where you had to
    strategize in order to lead the group out of a crisis (e.g., at work, as a
    member of a sports team, debating team, etc.). Evaluate the strategies that you
    employed to motivate the group and overcome the problem(s). If you were never in
    a situation like this, imagine what it would be like and propose strategies you
    believe would help resolve an issue.

  • Consider your current job or a past job. Compare the intrinsic rewards to
    the extrinsic rewards you receive in your current job or received from your past
    job. Determine the impact each type of reward has or had on your life. Then,
    describe two ways that you use intrinsic rewards and two ways you use extrinsic
    rewards in your professional or personal life.

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