Inferential Statistics and Findings

timer Asked: Apr 22nd, 2015

Question Description

Using the research question and two variables your learning team developed for the Week 2 Business Research Project Part 1 assignment, create a no more than 350-word inferential statistics (hypothesis test). Include:

(a) The research question

(b) Mock data for the independent and dependent variables

Determine the appropriate statistical tool to test the hypothesis based on the research question.

Conduct a hypothesis test with a 95% confidence level, using the statistical tool.

Interpret the results and provide your findings.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit both the spreadsheet and the paper.

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Running head: DUNHAM DESIGNS 1 Dunham Designs QNT 561 April 6 2015 DUNHAM DESIGNS 2 Dunham Designs Team C is challenged to research an independent and dependent variable, which is connected to the selected fictitious entertainment organization operational designs. The process includes Team C discussing the research question, establishing a hypothesis statement, and introduces the organization background. The company has been established for 30 years, and the service is dedicated to providing many designs for large corporations. The CEO and owner of the company has numerous years as a lighting and scenic director with credits on various projects throughout the Midwest and East Coast. Research Question Is there a relationship between the sales of a product and the longevity of the product’s display with the type of material used and time period of the display? Yes, there is a relationship between the sales of a product and the longevity of the product dealing with the type of material used and time period of the display. The relationship between the sales could be if you want to sell the product, you want it to be able to last for a long time period. The type of material would be the main factor to determine if the product will be permanent or temporary Independent Variable The independent variable is the length of the display and the material used. The length of the display is either permanent or temporary, and the display materials are either wood and metal or corrugate and plastics, respectively. Dependent Variable The dependent variable is the length of time the product will stay on display, and the sales from the display. The dependent variable is dependent on the length of the display and type of material used. DUNHAM DESIGNS 3 Conclusion We will therefore, continue our research of the question, one independent and one dependent variable, and the hypothesis statement not to prove the obvious but to test measurements of the purpose of the research. At the end of Team C’s research, not only will we have a better understanding of hypothesis, but also a better understanding of the material used in the displays. While this is not an immediate goal or focus for the Team, ultimately it may help Dunham Designs improve on their product. DUNHAM DESIGNS 4 References Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P.S. (2011). Business Research Methods (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Dunham, R. (2014). Dunham Designs. Retrieved from
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