its an essay for computer literacy i choose a topic on social network

timer Asked: Apr 22nd, 2015

Question Description

I have an essay that needs to be done and I do not even understand it 

  1. Demonstrate your knowledge of your chosen topic. 
  2. Use appropriate examples from the textbook and selected scholarly sources to support your points. 
  3. Incorporate appropriate and relevant quotes from the discussion forum activities. 
  4. Prepare at least one paragraph for each of your three sources (the textbook and two scholarly sources) that include an accurate summary of the points made by the author(s). 
  5. Prepare at least one paragraph for each of your three sources showing your thoughtful analysis of the point of view introduced by the authors. 
  6. Prepare at least two paragraphs illustrating how the authors of those three sources agree or disagree with one another about the topic. 
  7. Prepare at least two paragraphs that reflect your own point of view and provide a conclusion about your chosen topic. 

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