Excel Program

timer Asked: Feb 26th, 2014

Question Description

Hello Everyone,

I need serious help in defining a program in excel (later to be converted to java myself). My major is Transportation Engineering but I am working on some simulation softwares, I have no good programming background. It'd be highly appreciated if someone answers the question or email me at; atizaz.ali@uos.ac.kr

QUESTION: I have smart card data (excel file) which shows the daily events (boarding, alighting with time etc. for each traveler (unique smart card ID) in one complete row. Most of travelers have more than one daily plans which means each unique ID is repeated in more than 2 or 3 rows (but different boarding station, time etc). What I need is to make a program that automatically converts each unique ID'd all daily plans in one row instead of multiple rows. Any help regarding this would be highly appreciated. Awaiting response!


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