hrlp me help me6th grade not to long

xriva oneg
timer Asked: Apr 25th, 2015

Question Description

Assignment: Persuasive Essay Rough Draft

Begin writing the rough draft of your five-paragraph persuasive essay. Use your outline as a map to help you work through your essay. Submit your outline and rough draft.

As you are writing, remember to follow the guidelines for writing a persuasive essay:

  • Write an introduction with a hook and a claim.
  • Use reasons and evidence to support the topic sentence.
  • Avoid logical fallacies when you write supporting statements.
  • Include counterclaims to strengthen your argument.
  • Use transitions to connect ideas.
  • Either restate your thesis or provide a thought-provoking remark in your conclusion.
  • Connect your essay’s claim to a larger idea.
  • Complete a bibliography.

Review the grading rubric so that you understand how your assignment will be graded.

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