
timer Asked: Apr 30th, 2013

Question Description

1A software project has been estimated to cost $1,200,000 and take 14 months. Given the average project outcomes from the Standish Group’s CHAOS report discussed at the beginning of Chapter 1 in the text, if the project completes at all what will its actual cost and schedule more likely turn out to be?

2. Can you describe a software project that was a net money loser for an organization? Who was that organization? What was the project? When did it happen? How much money do you think was spent on the project? How much, if any, do you think the software project recovered? Justify your answers.

3. Assume that Zymurgenics, Inc. had gross revenues of $22,500,000 last year. Various costs for labor, material, operating expenses, etc. totaled $20,150,000. Income taxes amounted to $822,500. What was their actual profit for the year? What was their profit margin?

4. If you are currently employed, what are your company’s sources of gross revenue (what kinds of products an services does your company sell)? If you are not currently employed, choose a company and answer the question.

5.  If you are currently working on a software project team, estimate the total number of person-years that will be spent to complete that project. State that estimate as part of your answer to this question. If you are not currently working on a software project team, or cannot estimate the total labor of your project, assume a labor estimate of  12.5 person-years. Calculate the labor cost of the estimated project using an FTE rate of $185,000 per year.


Name at least one situation, other than what was already identified in the text or in class, where the concepts and techniques in this book would be useful in helping you make important decisions about your own personal finances.

7.  Consider a proposed in-house project at an overnight package delivery company to create web-based software that enables customers to print shipping labels while at the same time notifying the delivery company of the need for a pickup. Give one or more examples of the different categories of cash flow that could be included in the cash-flow stream for this proposal.

9. Draw the net cash flow diagram for the following cash flow stream.






























9.  Draw the net cash flow diagram for the following situation.































10. Using the question in question 4 above, give specific examples of each of the categories of cost show in the below figure 1.1. What is the cost category and how much money was spent on it?

Direct labor

Direct material

Indirect expenses

Operating expenses

Investment-related costs

Figure 1.1

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