Cunstraction material & measurment assingment

timer Asked: Apr 29th, 2015

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.... Ooredoo 3G 57% 12:55 PM τπτ πυυμητ9 τπτιιτ υυυ με υιιυυυ, υιυυττπυ ατυυττυυτυ τυ πυτπ πι ντυμε υιιυιυυυτττυ ττυ τυ distribute the work equally. 4 of 5 3 Table 1: Outer dimensions of the proposed residential building (Refer to details shown against group number). Dimensions of the building (m) SI. No. Group Number Circular steps dimensions Submission requirement: 1. Draw the detailed ground, first and roof (stair case) plan, front elevation and section along A-A of building layout (Figure 1) in A3 size drawing sheet with suitable scale and mark all dimensions appropriately. The outer dimensions of the building are given in the table 1. Note: Proper internal dimension to be decided by the students and to assume appropriate data for wall and slab thickness and for openings and ventilations. (Weightage: 30%) 2. Calculate the unit rate of the work for building materials as per market price. (Weightage: 10%) 3. Estimate by Centre line methods the quantities for all the components of the proposed building including substructure including (excavation, concrete in foundation, reinforced concrete, plinth beam and refilling), superstructure including block work, plastering, painting, lintel beams, doors and windows, slab, beams and column). Prepare a detailed priced bill of quantity as per the standard BOQ template and estimate the total cost. (Weightage: 60%) 4. One report need to be submitted per group. 5. In order to make a good submission, you should consider the following: I. It is entirely up to your group to decide on the size of the work and to figure out how best to work together. II. Reference your work as appropriate in CCE Harvard reference style III. As a general guidance, the assignment should be submitted in A4 with hand writing. 4 MASTER BED ROOM BED ROOM .... Ooredoo 3G o 57% 12:55 PM III. As a general guidance, the assignment should be submitted in A4 with hand writing. 5 of 5 4 MASTER BED ROOM BED ROOM D BATH DRESS B LOBBY BATH KITCHEN BED ROOM 1 03 TOILET WASH 03 02 FAMILY HALL MALIS (m) STAIR LOBBY ENT NB Figure 1: Layout of Proposed Building Ground Floor Plan Name and Signature of Module leader Soleen Jabr Date: 9/3/2015
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