Averaging a list of numbers the user inputs [Python]

timer Asked: May 1st, 2015

Question Description

Ok so this is what I'm being asked to do:

Write a program that asks the user to enter some numbers (positives, negatives and zeros). Your program should NOT ask the user to enter a fixed number of numbers. Also it should NOT ask for the number of numbers the user wants to enter. But rather it should ask the user to enter a few numbers and end with -9999 (a sentinel value). The user can enter the numbers in any order. Your program should NOT ask the user to enter the positive and the negative numbers separately. Your program then should create a list with the numbers entered (make sure NOT to include the sentinel value (-9999) in this list) and output the list of numbers and another list with the following averages (using the input list and the above functions):
[the average of all the positive numbers, the average of all the non-positive numbers, the average of all the numbers]
Sample run:
Enter a number (-9999 to end):  4 Enter a number (-9999 to end):  -3 Enter a number (-9999 to end): -15 Enter a number (-9999 to end):  0 Enter a number (-9999 to end):  10
Enter a number (-9999 to end):  22 Enter a number (-9999 to end):  -9999 The list of all numbers entered is: [4, -3, -15, 0, 10, 22] The list with averages is: [12.0, -6.0, 3.0]

And this is my code so far:

def nums():
      values = []

while True:
      x = int(input("Enter any amount of numbers or -9999 to quit: "))
      if x == -9999:
     print values

 return values
def allNumAvg(values):
  average = 0
  sum = 0
  for n in values:
  sum = sum + n
  average = sum / len(values)

  return average

def posNumAvg(values):
  x = []
  average = 0

  for i in values:
  if i > 0:
  average = sum(x) / len(x)

  return average
def negativeNumAvg(values):
  x = []
  average = 0

  for i in values:
  if i < 0:
  average = sum(x) / len(x)

  return average
print mylist

Everything is indendted correctly in my program, idk why it's messing up here.  But when I run it only gets to the nums() part, it doesnt find the averages or anything and I have no idea why

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