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The goal of this discussion forum is to deepen your understanding of how working memory operates. For your initial post, complete the following steps:

  • Watch the video entitled, Multi-Store Memory Model.
  • Go to the Coglab to experience one of the procedures/tasks that scientists have used to investigate the functioning of short-term/working memory.
  • Select one of the following experiments:
    • Brown-Peterson Task (i.e., how short-term memories fade)
    • Memory Span (i.e., how memory span depends on the nature of the items to remember immediately after presentation)
    • Phonological Similarity Effect (i.e., how recall for items on a list is affected by how similar the items sound)
    • Operation Span (i.e., a measure that predicts verbal abilities and reading comprehension even though the subjects are solving mathematical problems)
    • Irrelevant Speech Effect (i.e., how recall for items on a list is affected by the presence of irrelevant speech)
    • Stenberg Search (i.e., a method for determining how information is retrieved from short-term memory)

Keep in mind that each experiment illustrates a procedure/task that is used by scientists to understand how working (short-term) memory functions.  Read the section of the textbook devoted to the selected experiment. Then, consider what participants’ performance on the selected task tells you about working memory and its strengths and weaknesses.  Also, consider the extent to which the results of the selected experiment apply to real-life experiences and settings.  Support your points with evidence from at least one peer-reviewed research article.  Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.

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