Ecology Help (2 Questons1.5 page each double spaced)

timer Asked: May 5th, 2015

Question Description

1.  One of the basic components of any meta-population model is the identification of suitable habitat. Describe in detail five considerations for delineating suitable habitat. Make sure to address pros and cons of each, and how you would implement with each one. Provide examples.

2. Describe how ecosystem processes are affected by spatial heterogeneity. In your answer make sure to discuss the role of spatial heterogeneity on point processes and lateral transfers. How are these processes affected by spatial scale? Explain why a landscape ecology perspective is necessary for understanding ecosystem function and dynamics (i.e., what does landscape ecology have to offer ecosystems ecology)?




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4/14/15   Organisms  and  landscape  pa3ern   Outline   • Theory:  organism  x  space  interac
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