Explain the Traditional and Alternative Sentences for the Given Scenarios

timer Asked: Mar 9th, 2014

Question Description

In this assignment, you will consider two hypothetical criminal cases for sentencing. Then you will write a paper explaining the sentences you would give and your reasons for doing so. You will also consider the value of the alternative sentencing practices.

Please consider both of the following scenarios as you complete this assignment.

Scenario A: Defendant A has been caught dealing marijuana out of her home. It is her second offense; she has already served time. She is the single parent of two small children and has a history of spousal abuse.

Scenario B: Defendant B was driving drunk and caused a car crash. The two victims in the other car were significantly injured but survived. Defendant B has expressed remorse. This is his first offense, and his blood alcohol was close to the legal limit.

Write a paper in which you address the following components:

  • Describe the possible traditional and alternative sentences you could give in each case.
  • Select the sentence you would assign to each criminal.
  • Explain why you would give the selected sentences. Discuss the value of the sentence

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