6 page paper and power point presentation

timer Asked: May 7th, 2015

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6 page paper and power point presentation


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Course Information Course title: Introduction to Major World Religions 1304 Course number: PHIL 1304 Section number(s): 73030 Required Course Textbook Molloy, Michael. Experiencing the World’s Religions: Tradition, Challenge, and Change (6th ed) New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2013. [ISBN: 978-0-07-812061-9 or 978-112-170892-1]. 3. Learning Activity: Research Paper a. Learning Outcomes: The students will identify and explain the global influence and impact of religious worldviews on cultures and society at 75% level of proficiency. b. Assessment: This assignment [i.e., the research paper] will be evaluated using a grading rubric. Student Presentation: This assignments requires the student to develop a 15 minute presentation about any topic(s) related to one major world religion. This presentation must include the use of Power Point visuals and other media resources. a. Learning Outcomes: The students will identify and describe the central beliefs, practices, customs, traditions, and contributors of the five major religions of the world—Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam at 75% proficiency. The students will identify and explain the global influence and impact of religious worldviews on cultures and society at 85% level of proficiency. b. Assessment: This assignment [i.e., the student presentation] will be evaluated using a grading rubric. 4. Learning Activity: STUDENT PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS The on–campus presentation must be 15 minutes in length. The class presentation will either be individual or group, and the instructor will make this determination. All presentations must include Power Point visuals which compliment the topic selected. All presentations must reflect student creativity and innovation while remaining true to subject matter content. All presentations must adhere to factual information yet without being derogatory (i.e., Speak the Truth with Love!”). RESEARCH PAPER REQUIREMENTS Each student will be required to submit one (1) research paper and one (1) oral presentation. Completion & presentation dates for these assignments are listed in the course outline in Appendix A. The written research paper is to be approximately six (6) typed pages in length and must be completed in MLA format. Please refer to the current edition of the MLA manual and Dr. Howard’s writing sample provided with this syllabus for instructor’s expectations. 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ All research papers must be: One-sided On white paper Double-spaced First, submitted onto www.turnitin.com Second, handed in to the professor on time Typed in black ink only, not handwritten 12-point font (Courier/Times New Roman) 6 pages total (includes Bibliography) In MLA format (Current Edition) Handed in on-time. Research-based: Use of internet sources exclusively is unacceptable (Limit 1 internet source) Attach research paper grading rubric [located in syllabus] to research paper before handing in or submitting paper to Dr. Howard Also students who have not taken English 1301 & 1302 are required to visit the Writing Center at a dcccd campus (for online students) or NLC (for NLC oncampus students). The Writing Center staff will provide assistance in meeting the criteria listed in the grading rubric and syllabus. The Writing Center is in Building A-Room 332. The Following is a List of Textbooks and Sources Referenced and Cited Frequently in Handouts, Lectures, Lecture Notes, Power Points visuals, and Course Reading Assignments The Illustrated World’s Religions: A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions by Huston Smith. [ISBN 0-06-067440-7] & Religions of the World: The Illustrated Guide to Origins, Beliefs, Traditions and Festivals (Revised Edition) by Elizabeth Breuilly, Joanne O’Brien, Martin Palmer and Martin E. Marty (Consultant Editor). [ISBN 0-8160-6258-7] & The World’s Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World’s Religions by Philip Novak [ISBN: 0060663421] Copyright year: 1994 Novak and 1995 Harper Collins APPENDIX C Class Presentation Rubric Name (first and last) 1. Major World Religion 2. 3. 4. 2 Topic 3 Group or Individual Presentation Criteria (100 points) Possible Points 15 Your Points Criteria Content (e.g., demonstrates a commitment to the facts and unique nuances associated with the topics of the major religions of the world) 15 High commitment Some commitment No commitment 15 Clear and Coherent Communication (e.g., good usage of grammar and standard English; effective use of public speaking skills) 15 15 15 15 Highly effective Effective Not effective 0 Audio-Visual Aids (e.g., effective use of Power Point, and other visual aids) 15 Great! Very helpful Adequate Inadequate 0 Collaboration (i.e., clear demonstration of teamwork) 15 Excellent! Good Adequate inadequate 0 Creativity and Innovation (e.g., the use of unique personal talents) 15 15 Good Adequate Inadequate 0 NO! 0 Observed Time Parameters 15 10 Excellent! YES! Somewhat Appropriate Attire 10 YES! 100 Acceptable Total Points Instructor’s Comments: 3 NO! 0 4 APPENDIX D Research Paper Rubric Introduction to Major World Religions Student’s Name (first and last) 1. Major World Religion Topic Introduction to Major World Religions Research Paper Criteria (100 points) Possible Points 10 MLA format -- attention to form and style 15 10 Superb good adequate inadequate 0 Typed on white 8 ½ x 11 paper one-sided and doublespaced 15 10 Your Points Criteria Good acceptable unacceptable 0 Use 5 to 7 references (e.g., books, periodicals or journals, only 2 internet sites, media) 10 10 10 10 Excellent Good adequate inadequate 0 Works Cited in alphabetical order & in MLA format 15 Above average Average Below Average 0 Content (e.g., demonstrates a commitment to the facts and unique nuances associated with the topics of the major religions of the world) 15 High commitment Some commitment No commitment 0 Clear and Coherent Communication (e.g., good usage of grammar and standard English) 10 40 Highly effective Effective Not effective 0 MLA Documentation -- proper citing of sources throughout paper. Failure to cite any references / credible academic sources throughout the body of the research paper will result in an automatic zero for the entire assignment for plagiarism. 6 pages total Required for consideration of full credit for assignment. Yes / No 100 Total Points Instructor’s Comments: 4
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