need website built from codes only no website builder

Xnguyrra Xnar
timer Asked: May 10th, 2015

Question Description

I need a customized and coded professional website made from scratch and with my own domain name no website builder programs. Only from scratch in coded.

I want 8 tabs:


ask the tutor

one-on-one tutoring 


contact us​

student signup 

Want to be a tutor and/or caregiver?

Housekeeping services

This is a tutoring, babysitting, and housecleaning page so it has to be user friendly and not complicated so clients don't get confused. 

The home page has to grab the attention of student from k-graduate school that's what the website is aimed towards. 

 I want the ask the tutor tab to be set up like study pool questions how tutors can see all of the questions in links and can select what question they want to answer but only paid questions that are linked to paypal.

I need PayPal linked to it as well so clients can pay for each service

The contact us page will have an email and phone number listed as well

student signup, Want to be a tutor, want to be a caregiver, and housekeeping tabs need a field for each student and potential workers to register through the website. 

The tutors, caregivers, and housekeepers will have to post their diploma and resume as a requirement for applying for a position.

I need this to be perfect in order for my business to succeed and I want it to show as one of the top websites that comes up on search engines when tutor is typed in the search engine box 

i need a logo created and trademarked and copywritten and all rights need to be in my name

I have the business name and slogan when we agree to everything  

If it's created off a template I will not accept it only from scratch and a brand new domain name with no website builder I want my own website name

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