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timer Asked: May 11th, 2015

Question Description

Directions: Put prepositional phrases in parentheses; underline subject(s) once, verb(s) twice, label the verbs, direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative and predicate adjective.  Diagram all sentences including adjectives and prepositional phrases.

1.  My neighbor across the street is the pizza delivery boy.

2.  Joyce bought and sold old cars and rusty trucks during the summer break.

3.  In the middle of the game I noticed my friend.

4.  Are Susan, Carol and Michelle going to the outlet mall and buying their boyfriends gifts for Valentine’s Day?

5.  The new workers seemed nervous and scared during the meeting.

6.  Charlotte raced to the crowded finish line and won the first place trophy for the one mile run.

7.  Thomas and Kyle are the first contestants on the new game show.

8.   Buy a new stereo system and give Tony detailed instructions about its instillation.

9.   Should we form a study group and create innovative study guides and reading references for the next semester?

10.  Raymond won the primary election and became the new representative for the Democratic Party.

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