I'm writing an essay for an IB English class.

timer Asked: May 25th, 2015

Question Description

The book is Balzac and the little chinese seamstress by Dai Sijie, and I need some to talk it through with me. This is my rough draft of my first paragraph:

Dai Sijie shows his criticism of Mao's cultural revolution in Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress. The irony of the characters reeducation is that in reality they educated the working class of the village. The narrator and Luo teach the little seamstress about western literature and in turn elevate her to their bourgeois status. After the Little Seamstress had learned as much as they could teach her, she leaves them for the city. Dai Sijie uses the irony of the education of the villagers during the bourgeois reeducation to criticize Mao's revolution and to show its flaws.


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