Principal information system course

timer Asked: Sep 1st, 2021

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Principal information system course. All details attached below. All assignments are shown in the pic. Its 10 week course or so course so please put 70 odd days. Anyway, complete course needs to be done.

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9/1/21, 3:51 PM Syllabus for 2021FA-CIS-110-2481 - Principles Information Systems Course syllabus Jump to today Instructor and Office Hours Instructor: Edward Sands Instructor Profile: $CANVAS_COURSE_REFERENCE$/users/37058 Instructional Format for remote instruction: Traditional Asynchronous/Online Email: Canvas URL: Office Hours: By appointment on M-F after 8pm and Weekends over Zoom Video Conferencing and Screen Sharing Preferred Contact Method: Post questions to the "Have a question... Ask it here" discussion board or students can email the professor if you have questions or comments regarding the course. Alternate Contact Method: Q/A Discussion Board and Zoom Video Conferencing (Meeting ID: 754-692-9218) by email appointment Email Protocol and Communication(s) Response Expectancy: 1. Please include your first and last name, student ID, and course number, and section number in all email(s) to the instructor(s). 2. It is your responsibility to keep your email account current. 3. I will be reviewing email(s) Monday through Friday, excluding day(s) specifically denoted via the legend on the Cuyamaca College Academic Year Calendar for this term. You should receive a response from the instructor in 48 hours. 4. If you do not hear back from the instructor in 48 hours, please resend email. Course Description Applications of computerized systems in business organizations. Basic concepts of computer organization, data processing systems, decision support systems and systems analysis. The lab portion of the class consists of hands-on problem solving using software applications including spreadsheets and databases. This course is articulated with SDSU MIS 180 and covers material similar to the content in that course. 1/7 9/1/21, 3:51 PM Syllabus for 2021FA-CIS-110-2481 - Principles Information Systems Important Dates You can see the current academic calendar in its entirety at: ( General Policies It is required that you will login to the class Canvas site at least one time per week to read the class Announcements and complete assignments. This is the way I monitor attendance in the class. If you have a problem completing assignments contact me as via email soon as possible. It is your responsibility to complete the necessary forms to withdraw from the class. The online course resources for this course are provided for instructional purposes only. Students are expected to maintain the same decorum and demeanor in these environments that are expected in a classroom setting. Preferred Contact Method: Email the professor if you have questions or comments regarding the course. Alternate Contact Method: Q/A Discussion Board and Zoom Video Conferencing ( (Meeting ID: 754-692-9218) by email appointment. Email Protocol and Communication(s) Response Expectancy: 1. Please include your first and last name, student ID, and course number, and section number in all email(s) to the instructor(s). 2. It is your responsibility to keep your email account current. 3. I will be reviewing email(s) Monday through Friday, excluding day(s) specifically denoted via the legend on the Cuyamaca Community College Academic Year Calendar for this term. You should receive a response from the instructor in 48 hours. 2. If you do not hear back from the instructor in 48 hours, please resend email. Assignment Policies All class assignments are due on Mondays at 6:00 PM in accordance with the due dates listed in the Academic Calendar. If I change the due date of an assignment, I will issue a class an announcement stating the new due date. If your computer has problems, please have a backup plan for how you are going to complete the class. Homework Connect (M: Information Systems textbook): The “Practice Questions” contained in each Connect chapter are graded (a link to the Practice Questions can be found in the lower-left corner of the Connect chapter materials). Students should consider completing the chapter review questions. I do 2/7 9/1/21, 3:51 PM Syllabus for 2021FA-CIS-110-2481 - Principles Information Systems not collect or grade them but you will find them helpful in preparing for the exams. The Connect site’s activities will also provide additional information/preparation for the chapter exams. • SimNet/Access/Excel: Students should complete the SimNet Show Me, Guide Me and Let Me Try activities as well as the Pause and Practice activities embedded in each chapter as these activities will assist students in learning the concepts that will be required to complete the projects. Only the Let Me Try activities are graded. In addition, the completion of an end of chapter exercise is also highly recommended. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) early in the semester so that reasonable accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible. Students may contact ARC via email, the telephone, or their website, as detailed below: email: ( Front office number- (619) 644-7112 website: ( Tutoring Center Students have access to FREE tutoring through our Tutoring Center website ( . Math Study Center Information on FREE math tutoring is available on the Math Study Center website ( . Net Tutor Students can access FREE online tutoring 24/7 through Net Tutor. More information can be found on the Tutoring Center website. ( Student Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the components and functions of computer systems, including both hardware and software. 2. Use modern productivity tools (i.e., spreadsheet, database) or custom programs to solve business problems. 3. Describe the differences between various types of information systems and explain the importance of determining information system requirements for all management levels. 3/7 9/1/21, 3:51 PM Syllabus for 2021FA-CIS-110-2481 - Principles Information Systems 4. Describe how the system development life cycle is used in building an information system to solve business problems. 5. Describe the importance and use of data communications and the Internet, and explain how they affect the way business is conducted. 6. Describe the ethical and social implications of using information technology within the context of the information systems industry. Grading 90% and up = A 80% to 89% = B 70% to 79% = C 60% to 69% = D 59% and below = F SIMNET Information Registering_Your_SimNet_Online_Account.pdf 4/7 9/1/21, 3:51 PM Syllabus for 2021FA-CIS-110-2481 - Principles Information Systems Course summary: Date Details Due  Discussion #1: Introductions: Getting to know you, and your fellow classmates. due by 18:00 ( Tue, 7 Sep 2021  Intro Chapter - Windows 10, Office 365/2019, and File Management due by 18:00 (  Access - Chapter 2 - Using Design View, Data Validation, and Relationships due by 18:00 (  Access - Chapter 3 - Creating and Using Queries due by 18:00 (  Chapter 1. Management Mon, 13 Sep 2021 Information Systems: Business Driven MIS due by 18:00 (  Chapter 2. Decision Processes: Value Driven Business due by 18:00 (  Access - Chapter 1 - Creating a Database and Tables due by 23:59 (  Chapter 3. Ebusiness: Mon, 20 Sep 2021 Electonic Business Value due by 18:00 ( 5/7 9/1/21, 3:51 PM Date Syllabus for 2021FA-CIS-110-2481 - Principles Information Systems Details Due  Chapter 4. Ethics Information Security: MIS Business Concerns due by 18:00 (  Excel - Chapter 1 - Creating Mon, 27 Sep 2021 and Editing Workbook due by 18:00 (  Access - Chapter 4 - Creating and Using Forms and Reports due by 23:59 (  Chapter 5. Infrastructures: Sustainable Technologies due by 18:00 ( Mon, 4 Oct 2021  Excel - Chapter 2 - Working with Formulas and Functions due by 23:59 (  Chapter 6. Data Business Intelligence due by 18:00 ( Mon, 11 Oct 2021  Excel - Chapter 3 - Creating and Editing Charts. due by 18:00 (  Chapter 7. Networks: Mobile Business due by 18:00 (  Excel - Chapter 4 - Formatting, Mon, 18 Oct 2021 Organizing, and Getting Data. due by 18:00 (  Excel - Chapter 5 Consolidating and Linking Data and Inserting Objects due by 18:00 ( 6/7 9/1/21, 3:51 PM Date Syllabus for 2021FA-CIS-110-2481 - Principles Information Systems Details Due  Chapter 8. Enterprise Applications: Business Communications due by 18:00 ( Mon, 25 Oct 2021  Excel - Chapter 6 - Exploring the Function Library. due by 18:00 (  Excel - Chapter 7 - Working with Templates and Co-Authoring. due by 18:00 (  Chapter 9. Systems Development and Project Management: Corporate Responsibilty Mon, 1 Nov 2021 due by 18:00 (  Excel - Chapter 8 - Working with Macros due by 18:00 ( Fri, 5 Nov 2021  Final Exam Review due by 23:59 (  Excel - Chapter 9 - Exploring Mon, 8 Nov 2021 Data Analysis and Maps due by 23:59 ( Fri, 12 Nov 2021  Final Exam due by 23:59 ( 7/7 2021FA-CIS-110-2481-P Due date Apply weighted Assignments Discussions Grades People Pages Name Due Status Score Out of e Discussion #1: Introductions: Getting to know you, and your fellow classmates. 7 Sep by 18:00 20 20 to OOGOO O Calculate based only on graded assignments You can view your grades based on What-if scores so that you know how grades will be affected by upcoming, or resubmitted assignments. You can test scores for an assignment that already includes a score, or an assignment that has yet to be graded. Files Syllabus Intro Chapter - Windows 10. Office 365/2019, and File Management 7 Sep by 12:00 26 。 Access - Chapter 2 - Using Design View, Data Validation, and Relationships 13 Sep by 18.00 Modules McGraw-H Connect McGraw-H SIMnet Tutoring Office 365 20 Access - Chapter 3 - Creating and using Queries 13 Sep by 18:00 15 Chapter 1. Management Information Systems: Business Driven MIS 13 Sep by 18:00 100 Chapter 2. Decision Processes: Value Driven Business 13 Sep by 18.00 100 Access - Chapter 1 - Creating a Database and Tables 13 Sep by 23:59 20 Chapter 3. Ebusiness Electonic Business Value 20 Sep by 18.00 100 Chapter 4. Ethics Information Security: MIS Business Concerns 27 Sep by 16.00 100 Excel - Chapter 1 - Creating and Editing Workbook 27 Sep by 18.00 22 Access - Chapter 4 - Creating and Using Forms and Reports 27 Sep by 23:59 23 Chapter 5. Infrastructures: Sustainable Technologies 4 Oct by 12:00 100 Excel - Chapter 2 - Working with Formulas and Functions 4 Oct by 23.59 19 Chapter 6. Data Business Intelligence 11 Oct by 18.00 100 Excel - Chapter 3 - Creating and Editing Charts. 11 Oct by 18.00 20 Chapter 7. Networks: Mobile Business 18 Oct by 18.00 100 Excel - Chapter 4 - Formatting Organizing and Getting Data. 18 Oct by 18:00 22 Excel - Chapter 5 - Consolidating and Linking Data and Inserting Objects 18 Oct by 16.00 11 Chapter 8. Enterprise Application: Business Communications 25 Oct by 18.00 100 Excel - Chapter 6 - Exploring the Function Library. 25 Oct by 18.00 22 Excel - Chapter 7 - Working with Templates and Co- Authoring 25 Oct by 18:00 16 Chapter 9. Systems Development and Project Management: Corporate Responsibilty 1 Nov by 18:00 100 Excel - Chapter 8 - Working with Macros 1 Nov by 18:00 B Final Exam Review 5 Nov by 23:59 100 Excel - Chapter 9 - Exploring Data Analysis and Maps & Nov by 23:59 B Final Excam 12 Nov by 23:59 100 >
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