business question

timer Asked: Sep 5th, 2021

Question Description

Imagine that you have been put in charge of a large team that is negotiating a company merger with two other hypothetical, multinational companies that have offices located around the globe. Your task is to design a negotiation strategy to deal with the negotiation issues involved with merging these multinational companies.(Motorola Mobility LLC, Samsung Electronics & China mobile)

For this assignment, write a paper in which you pick two countries that will represent the corporate cultures of the multinational companies. One of the countries must not be from Europe.

Using your work from your Week 8 Explore Activity, include the following:

    • Introduce and describe your chosen companies.
      • Identify their country of origin.
      • Detail each country’s cultural aspects that will impact the negotiation.
  1. Identify your negotiation strategy, providing specific details.
  2. Examine the importance of diversity in a multiparty negotiation, and explain the role that diversity will play throughout the negotiation process.
  3. Explain the ethical dynamics involved in a multiparty and multicultural negotiation process.
  4. Identify the potential conflicts that can occur when negotiating within a diverse cultural environment.
    • Propose suggestions to mitigate said conflicts.
  5. Analyze the benefits that cultural conflicts can bring within a multiparty negotiation.
  6. Propose a plan for closing and implementing the merger that is fair to both parties involved in the negotiation

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