House order of color/food/pet/soda/sport

timer Asked: Jun 8th, 2015

Question Description

A long time ago, where I grew up there were 5 men that lived on a street named Len Lane and there were 5  houses on that street. Each of the men lived in a different colored house. There were yellow , white , red, blue and green. Each of the old men had a favorite pet. The pets were a dog, cat, bird, snake and one old man had a goldfish. They all liked different kinds of food. One man liked steak, another liked hotdogs. The others liked hamburgers, chili and pizza. Each of the old men like to drink soda.They all liked different brands. One liked Pepsi and one liked Coke. The others liked Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper and Sprite. They all watched sports on TV. One liked football, one liked basketball, one liked golf and the last man liked bowling. 

My problem is that I cannot remember which man liked what food, or which old man owned what pet. I still cannot remember who liked what soda and which sport each of them enjoyed watching on TV. I cannot even remember which house was what color.

Please help me by using the following clues I was given by a friend who used to live in the neighborhood and remembered some facts about the old men and their houses. 

1.) The man in the blue house does not like cats and dogs.

2.) The man with the bird likes golf.

3.) One man on the end likes basketball and the other man on the end likes baseball.

4.) The man who likes football hates steak and pizza.

5.) The man who likes steak lives in the middle house.

6.) THe Dr. Pepper man lives next to the man on the end.

7.) The pizza man lives next to the hotdog man.

8.) The hamburger man likes Sprite.

9.) The man with the goldfish lives on the end..

10.) The blue house is next to the green house.

11.) The coke man likes basketball.

12.) The men in the blue and green house do not like snakes and therefore do not live next to the man with the snake.

13.) The man who likes hotdogs does not like Pepsi or Coke, but lives next to the man who likes Pepsi.

14.) The man in the white house lives 3 doors away from the man who owns the bird.

15.) The man who lives in the red house has a cat.

16.) The chili man lives next to the man with the cat.

17.) The man with the green house naturally drinks Mountain Dew.

18.) The man with the snake does not live next to the man who likes steak.

19.) The first house is white.

20.) The man who likes goldfish lives in the yellow house.


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