wellness/biology help???????

timer Asked: Jun 9th, 2015

Question Description

SHORT ANSWER ONLY PLEASE!!!!! right answers only

1.Discuss several ways to monitor the intensity of exercise.

2.Define heart rate reserve.

3.Demonstrate accuracy in taking heart rates quickly and efficiently.

4.Discuss the ACSM guidelines for aerobic exercise.

5.Identify and describe the signs of overtraining.

6.Explain why the principle of specificity does not have to play an important role for those who exercise for health reasons.

7.Describe cross-training and give the rationale for it.

8.Identify motivational techniques that may increase adherence to exercise.

9.Explain why it is important to warm-up before and to cool-down after exercise.

10.  Define hypothermia and hyperthermia.

11.  Discuss the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

12.  Identify, define, and discuss the mechanisms of heat loss.

Discuss the guidelines for exercising in hot weather and cold weather.

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