python function for checkout out a shopping cart for an online app

timer Asked: Oct 15th, 2021

Question Description

A function which imports the text file for products and lets the user add the buying products into the cart

-● Buyer adds his/her chosen product into the

shopping cart.

● The shopping cart should contain

properties such as:

○ The product name

○ The product image

○ The quantity

○ The price for each products item

○ The total price to pay (include the

5% service tax, and delivery


● Upon checkout, the checkout info is saved

into its persistent storage.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

# Order: seller(0), product ID(1), product category(2), product name(3), price(4), quantity(5), produced by(6), expiry date(7), upload date/time(8) Alex, 1056237897, Meat, Beef, 25, 50, Fatted Calf, 12-12-2022, 2021-10-05 13:25:32 Alex, 940929486, Meat, Pork, 42, 14, Fatted Calf, 06-06-2022, 2021-10-05 13:26:51 Alex, 3184835159, Meat, Chicken, 32, 36, Fatted Calf, 12-08-2022, 2021-10-05 13:28:10 Sally, 1834042583, Vegetables, Brocolli, 12, 56, Eco Garden, 10-07-2022, 2021-10-05 13:29:08 Sally, 3023248398, Vgetables, Asparagus, 11, 13, Eco Garden, 15-10-2022, 2021-10-05 13:29:49 Sally, 1389243275, Vegetables, Kale, 13, 54, Eco Garden, 09-11-2021, 2021-10-05 13:30:23
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