Fixing a couple sentences in whole essay

timer Asked: Jul 1st, 2015

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ESSAY: 20150621203338one_shop_usa.docx 

I got these comments from my professor. he returned the essay to me so I can fix the problems. It is no big deal. It is about citation and that stuff.

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INSERT SURNAME YEAR1 One Shop USA Institutional affiliation Date Effective strategy for One Shop USA A specific place to shop is the One Shop USA. Mainly, this shop deals in cosmetics, baby and children fashions, botanical and herbs, fashion for women and men, and costumes. For instance, this shop has an effective strategy which it has been using in order to attract its target audience. A strategy this shop has undertaken is leading with ethnic insights. This strategy has effectively contributed to the One Shop USA compete with other business shops in the United States of America. Basically, leading with ethnic insights is one of the major strategies which have contributed to the growth of One Shop USA (434-437) .Leading with ethnic sights has made this shop in setting of trends. Basically, trends such as multicultural marketing, total market approach, and cross-cultural marketing. Multicultural marketing involves marketing to one or more audiences of a specific ethnicity, typically an ethnicity outside of a country's majority culture, simply referred to as general market. For instance, this trend has made it effective for the company to reach various groups of people not considering the race in reaching of target audience in different other trend is total market approach. In definition, total market approach means working together for the purpose of delivering health choices for every population segment. For example, this trend has made various audiences to reach the products of this shop with the appropriate products they need (448-453). INSERT SURNAME YEAR 2 In fact, the trend has effective enhanced those people with a greater ability to pay for purchase of their products from the commercial sector to do so. Greater efficiency in the market has increased sustainability by better targeting public and social sector subsidies and decreasing crowding out of the commercial sector. The other trend is cross-cultural marketing. This is basically the same trend as the multicultural marketing whereby the selling of products involves marketing it to various audiences within the market place. Mainly, this trend helps the shop to reach the customers more effectively. For instance, these three trends have made the One Shop USA to reach a target market for the audience as many of them a reached accordingly (459-471). Leading with ethnic sights has made the shop to be famous across the state as other shops have taken an attempt to deploy this strategy to reach their target market. Basically, this step has made the shop to be more interested in marketing their products rather than selling their products in one place as it needs to attract more of its customers in every corner of the globe. Thus, marketing its products to the market has made it to reach various audiences which has made it effective in selling of its products. In fact, selling of its products has been high in the recent years as compared the past as it had not deployed this strategy. In order to lead with an ethnic sight, the shop has been producing products of high quality in order for every audience to be satisfied with their needs. In addition, maintaining their customers is one of their major concerns. Taking for example, any business that produces products with low quality do not have as many customers as possible in order to reach their target market. In essence, this strategy has made the shop to be more competitive in the market which has made it to reach various audiences in the market, hence improving its growth. INSERT SURNAME YEAR 3 In essence, the other way the shop has been leading with an ethnic sight is by minimizing the product cost. In fact, customers are basically attracted to a product if the prize of the product is low and if the products are of high quality. For instance, One Shop USA has deployed this strategy in order to attract various audiences across the world. Additionally, making of advertisements in multimedia such as Facebook have made the shop to succeed in an effective way as many people are attracted in Facebook hence been able to find the already marketed products. For the purpose to lead with an ethnic sight, the shop has basically been able to share its shortcomings with the clients. On the other hand, clients have been able to identify any shortcomings which have affected them negatively. For instance, sharing of information has made the shop to aim higher in terms of gaining more clients as the shop is more willing to certify the clients more. In fact, been friendly to their customers has enhanced many customers to be more willing to shop in their sectors. This has contributed in its growth (474-477) As my final thought, this strategy of leading with an ethnic sight has made the shop to be more competitive in the market place. In addition, the shop has been aiming higher after deploying this strategy as many clients have been enticed with the way the management deals with them. As the customers continue to increase in the shop, the shop also makes an effort to reach its targeted goals. Therefore, for many businesses which need to be aiming in the future, it is of more importance to reach the audience first so as to invest in growth. INSERT SURNAME YEAR 4 Work cited Burt Helm, “Ethnic Marketing: McDonald’s Is Lovin’ It,” pp. 434-437 Eric Schlosser, “Kid Kustomers,” pp. 448-453 Malcolm Gladwell, “The Science of Shopping,” pp. 459-471 Jerry Useem, “Should We Admire Wal-Mart? Some Say It’s Evil. Others Insist It’s a Model of All That’s Right with America. Who Are We to Believe?” pp. 474-477
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