Quality Management assignment

timer Asked: Jul 15th, 2015

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quality #2 

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1: Initial knowledge and experience with free software metrics tools. Based on materials in several learning modules of this course, do the following: 1) Perform research on the Internet and identify at least 3 (three) tools to identify software metrics (like KLOC, FP, complexity, volume, etc.) of software systems. 2) If possible, download at least 1 (better – 2) of those tools (or, their demo versions), and get initial experience how to use those tools (this is 2-3 hours long activity). 3) Summarize your research findings and create a table # 1 with the following required information in table columns: a) column 1 - tool name; b) column 2 - web site to download free or demo version; c) 3- a summary of technical requirements: operating systems required, language used, etc. d) 4 – a summary of main functions (about 6-7) of that tool; c) 5 - your personal opinion about that tool (based on your experience: easy to download, easy to learn, easy to use, easy to get answers, etc.) 4) Prepare a PPT presentation with at least 10 slides including: a) a title slide b) a textual summary of your findings of designated topic in a tabular form (a table #1 from item above); c) about 5-7 slides with a detailed information about your favorite tool of designated type – computer screenshots reflecting different functions of that tool. d) discussion: your opinion about that tool, its pros and cons e) conclusion Hints: http://www.monperrus.net/martin/javametrics/ http://www.campwoodsw.com/sourcemonitor.html http://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/ISSTA08/issta2008/p131.pdf etc. Part 2 : Initial knowledge and experience with free software quality metrics tools. Based on materials in several learning modules of this course, do the following: 1) Perform research on the Internet and identify at least 3 (three) tools to analyze software quality metrics. 2) If possible, download at least 1 of those tools (or, their demo versions), and get initial experience how to use those tools (this is 2-3 hours long activity). 3) Summarize your research findings and create a table # 2 with the following required information in table columns: a) column 1 - tool name; b) column 2 - web site to download free or demo version; c) 3- a summary of technical requirements: operating systems required, language used, etc. d) 4 – a summary of main functions (about 6-7) of that tool; c) 5 - your personal opinion about that tool (based on your experience: easy to download, easy to learn, easy to use, easy to get answers, etc.) 4) Prepare a PPT presentation with at least 10 slides including: a) a title slide b) a textual summary of your findings of designated topic in a tabular form (a table # 2 from item above); c) about 5-7 slides with a detailed information about your favorite tool of designated type – computer screenshots reflecting different functions of that tool; d) discussion: your opinion about that tool, its pros and cons; e) conclusion Hints: http://www.ehow.com/list_6948597_software-quality-metrics-tools.html http://argouml.tigris.org/docs/mmicallef/ProjectReport.pdf etc. Part 3 : Initial knowledge and experience with free software quality assurance (SQA) tools. Based on materials in several learning modules of this course, do the following: 1) Perform research on the Internet and identify at least 3 (three) tools to support SQA processes. 5) If possible, download at least 2 (better – 3) of those tools (or, their demo versions), and get initial experience how to use those tools (this is 2-3 hours long activity). 6) Summarize your research findings and create a table # 3 with the following required information in table columns: a) column 1 - tool name; b) column 2 - web site to download free or demo version; c) 3- a summary of technical requirements: operating systems required, language used, etc. d) 4 – a summary of main functions (about 6-7) of that tool; c) 5 - your personal opinion about that tool (based on your experience: easy to download, easy to learn, easy to use, easy to get answers, etc.) 7) Prepare a PPT presentation with at least 10 slides including: a) a title slide b) a textual summary of your findings of designated topic in a tabular form (a table # 3 from item above); c) about 5-7 slides with a detailed information about your favorite tool of designated type – computer screenshots reflecting different functions of that tool. d) discussion: your opinion about that tool, its pros and cons e) conclusion Hints: (see PPT presentation on SQA on course web site). • Dozens available at http://sourceforge.net/directory/development/qualityassurance/os:windows/freshness:recentlyupdated/ • Dozens available at http://software-quality-assurance.winsite.com/ • qaManager • Bromine • Nuxeo DM etc. Part 4 : Working with downloaded and installed tool(s). 1) Create ADDITIONAL (beyond required in each part) PPT presentation with about 12-15 PPT slides that contain SOLELY computer screenshots FOR EACH downloaded, installed and working tool (at most ONE working tool in each section above) that demonstrate main functionality of this tool. 2) Provide your comments for each slide and a summary in the Comments section at the end of PPT presentation.
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